It's Hard

Lets Get Real About Suicidal Ideation + Addiction with Christina Kimbrough

Episode Summary

CONVERSATION: Paige sits down with Christina Kimbrough, fellow mental health advocate, to talk openly about addicition, suicidal ideation and all things mental health.

Episode Notes

TRIGGER WARNING: In this episode, we talk about suicidal ideation. 

Paige and Christina have a real conversation about the various ways that mental illness can defeat us. Christina lives with bipolar disorder and genralized anxiety, her mission is to spread awareness around mental illness and normalize the conversation in hopes to end the stigma. She also got sober in 2020 and shares her journey to recovery. Listen along for an honest, raw, and relateable conversation about hard things in life. We make the hard things easier! 

We also talk about…

Christina's Resources:

It’s Hard Resources: