It's Hard

The Power of Self-Awareness + Emotional Intelligence with Lynn Casaletto

Episode Summary

INTERVIEW: Paige sits down with Lynn Casaletto to discuss emotional intelligence and how everyone has greatness within them. Emotions overrun many of our lives some days, and we can control this instead of allowing our emotions to consume us.

Episode Notes

Lynn Casaletto owns her own consulting company called, Core Growth. Core Growth helps individuals and teams realize their greatness. 

Within the episode the term emotional intelligence is the forefront of much of the conversation. Emotional intelligence is understanding yourself and your emotions in the moment and not getting burnt out because your emotions are taking over, but instead you are taking over your emotions. Instead of becoming irrational and lashing out you can be able to better regulate your emotions and yourself. We become hijacked by our own emotions many times because we are not regulating our emotions. It is difficult sometimes to even realize and become self-aware that we are being hijacked by our emotions. 

We all have to be able to slow down and look around us and be present with ourselves. It is oftentimes very difficult to slow your life down, however it is very important for your mental health. You have to do the things that matter the most within your lives, you don’t always have to be in a go, go, go state of mind. Other things are just as important, if not more important. 

We can ask those around us to aid us in working on our own emotional intelligence. The people you surround yourself with, and the things you do will help you stabilize your emotions that you may not see you are having. We have to be open to the ability to learn who we are, the real and raw parts. 

We also talk about…

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It's Hard Resources:

It's Hard is edited by Sather Audio

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